
Conquering Mount Everest !

Mon Double Everest project, what does it mean ?

It is THE incredible challenge to successfully achieve both the Everest of the Seas (the Vendee Globe) AND to climb the Everest of the Land to Defeat Cystic Fibrosis !

A unique adventure to live together !

Why Maxime embarks on the ascent of Everest ?

The skipper of the IMOCA V and B - Monbana - Mayenne will attempt to climb Everest next April/May! Several reasons push him to try this incredible adventure !



Maxime plays his role as national sponsor thoroughly in order to highlight Vaincre La Mucoviscidose. Today, it is through an attempt to climb Everest, that he will do his MAX to hoist the flag of his association on the highest peak in the world.

© Gauthier Lebec

“Strongly committed since childhood to the Vaincre la Mucoviscidose association, I have always met sick people and always wanted to better understand the fact of lacking oxygen. This is the case at altitude. It is a rare disease, but also and above all an invisible disease. It is therefore difficult to explain and make people understand! My goal is therefore to put myself in difficulty to better explain the disease”.


© Isegoria



Climbing this mountain is already an extraordinary sporting challenge with all the risks that entails. “I have a lot of adrenaline to climb the summits in all their forms. I have very little experience and everything I do is 300% lived and felt. This doesn't mean that I'm tired of the ocean, but given the number of years spent sailing the seas, the sensations are not exactly the same. The fault seems less forgivable to me in the mountains, because I have fewer habits and automatisms and the consequences would be more impactful”.

© Fabrice Bertho



From the very beginning, Maxime conveyed a strong message: that of believing that “nothing is impossible” and therefore “giving yourself the opportunity to realize your dreams”. Once again, he proves it to us by pushing the limits, by going after his desires and himself. This attempt at ascent is also a human adventure that our adopted Mayenne would like to share with us. It's not just him alone against the elements, it's you, it's us alongside Maxime.

My Double Everest schedule

Find the special Everest MiniMax magazine

In this magazine, you will discover Maxime's next adventure and his ascent of Everest !